I've answered a lot of questions in the moderator help groups (YGOG, GMF, EL-M, and ListHelp) as well as at Moderator Central. And I've collected some screen shots at Flickr to help explain things. Now it seems to me I need a place to collect, organize and display these items in a form that is easy to maintain. Hence a wiki.
The name is unabashedly inspired by Wikipedia, a work of collective authorship I have no hope of matching, but one should always have sources of inspiration.
- About Yahoo! Groups
- For Group moderators and owners
- Written by unpaid volunteers (hopefully not just me)
- Administered by Shal Farley
Is not
- Owned, operated by or affiliated in any way with Yahoo!
- Warranted, Guaranteed, or otherwise promised to be complete or accurate.
- Finished
So, if you've answered questions and wished you had a place to keep those answers for future reference; if you've wished for the ability to use simple formatting and include illustrations in your explanations; if you've ever felt that you've just written the definitive answer to a question -- then please consider adding a page to Yahoogroupedia. Your answer may help many others, and hopefully, over time, others' answers may help you.
-- Shal
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