
Groups about Groups

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Yahoo still lists such groups as resources for moderators who have not found what they needed in Yahoo's Help pages. Below are the five oldest and largest, though they are not the only ones:



The first four are listed in a Yahoo! Groups help page now called "Tips and tricks for moderators", but formerly referred to as the "Yahoo! Groups about Groups".


The five were called the big five in a [post at GMF], which surveyed their characteristics in 2009 thusly:


- GMF is the only Group with public archives and public Links that allow everyone to view messages without the need to join as a member (anyone can use the RSS button to get regular delivery of messages).
- GMF is the only Group where email attachments are permitted.
- GMF is the only Group where every single member (including managers) is moderated (other Groups are heavily moderating "new" members).
- GMF is the only Group I am aware of that openly allows discussion of what is happening in other specific mod Groups.
- GMF is the only Group that allows members to hide their email address.
-YGOG and GMF are the only Groups that allow unlimited access to all Group features such as Links, Files, Photos and Databases (GMF does not offer Polls because Yahoo Groups software does not allow it).
- YGOG is the only Group that allows members to run their own Polls
- YGOG requires that those who join must prove that they are Yahoo Groups moderators
- List Help does not allow anyone to cross-post messages.
- ELM specialize in issues regarding list management be it Yahoo, Google, and other listservs it started out as a Group with public archives but changed to a members-only Group later.
- YGOG is the biggest Group (in terms of members and messages)
- ELM is the oldest Group (founded Jun 9, 1998)
- FEM is the least moderated of the 5.


An Oct 2 survey of these five groups shows they are all still active. Stats are less available to the public under the Neo regime but still ... here are the group descriptions and message traffic for the last seven days:


FEM -- For Yahoogroups owners and moderators to share ideas on how to maximize the use of their groups. Topics include: promoting your group, encouraging discussion, deleting messages, banning members, questions about how Yahoogroups' site operates, etc. -- 28 msgs

ListHelp -- Join us if you are looking for a friendly place to find help and hints for managing your group, ownership + tech problems, and how to promote your group or list. And No, you don't have to keep your group at YahooGroups. We welcome anyone using any listserver. ListHelp is moderated by experienced list owners.(John T and ???) -- 30 msgs

ELM -- This list is for anyone who has ever owned or moderated a list thru YahooGroups, Google Groups, Topica, or thru listservs such as Lyris, Mailman or Majordomo, and about the various issues involved with running lists. This list does not contain adult content or language and it is rated safe for all ages. -- 79 msgs

YGOG -- Share and learn from the experience acquired from being a group owner or moderator. Whether it is how to use the technology available or advice for dealing with members, we're here to help. -- 380 msgs

GMF -- Would you like to be a better Yahoo! Group Owner and/or Moderator? We discuss our experiences as Yahoo! Groups Owners and Moderators, share our ideas for promoting and customizing content areas, and offer various techniques for managing groups. We strive to provide a resource of the highest quality for Owners and Moderators alike. -- 598 msgs


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