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Disability Access and Neo Progress


Multiple problems are reported by people with disabilities. Yahoo has said (Sep 1) that it will be addressing these.  On 9 Sept 2013 a meeting was conducted to review several critical issues reported by members who were impacted.

  - Contrast issues existed in several locations for the visually impaired

  - Screenreaders for the blind could not access several features, predominantly moderator level features

  - Low end screenreaders were not able to deal with the lack of industry standard > quote markers

  - Mobility impaired users were being required to use more 'clicks' to access basic features   

  - Potential but not reported is 'DragonDictate' and similar 'speak to the computer' softwares may not be able to handle the quoting behavior as in not able to open it


Update 23Sep13.  So far it has been problematic getting specifics on blind/visually impaired users.  Testing in progress with the Yahoo free screen reader.


The following NEO version options require work in order to function for persons using screen readers for the blind. 

The testing software used was:

This is the Yahoo listed screen reader for access to Yahoo services.  Feedback to this post from others will be apt to mention other items missed or from other accessibility softwares.

Using NVDA and the most common options a user of a group will need adaption in the following:

When replying to to a message

1- The 3 dots to manage the quote give no signal when moused over that it is there.  This is particularily problematic as the quote headers for digest messages do not have normal screen reader hooks.

2- More user menu.  No indication of a drop down but if you scroll down you can read them.  You have to know to scroll down.

Moderator functions:

1- Click on Management, there is no indication a drop down was below it.  Once clicked, it does read the below options. 

2.  Skip to approve a message.  There is no indication as you mouse over the approve or edit or reject buttons.  This is a complete show stopper for any blind/ screen reader moderators in NEO at this time. 

3- Files, drop down for edit, cut, delete gives no notification.  moving mouse down skips to next in the file series.  Blind users can not edit any files or even 'see' if they are about to delete one.  There is a warning if you try to delete one but no option to edit, only delete or cancel.

4.  Search groups.  The box to place what you want to search for is a no-seeum.  Clicking 'Search groups' does nothing if that box is empty.  Copying and pasting to the search box for a moderator will require a visually sighted person place the cursor for them.

5.  Access settings under control panel.  There is no indication of what bubble option is clicked.  The only notifcation is you changed a button but not what you changed it to.





Comments (1)

USVet said

at 3:22 pm on Sep 15, 2013

The simplest way to fix this is to bring back the old system while they fix this "upgrade". That way no one has to suffer in an experiment gone wrong.

In addition to those problems listed above there is also the lack of proper punctuation and run on sentences.
There is a problem with weird characters added into both subject and body of posts IE: RE: Here's
As well as words overlayed upon other words as in this example: http://too-bad-dogs-inc.com/fpdb/images/yahoo2.jpg

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